Spatial Vis Grade Reports

Persistence WITHOUT Bonus - Recommended

This report gives a percentage grade for each lesson within Spatial Vis. This percentage is determined by the number of stars earned on Required assignments divided by the maximum number of stars available on Required assignments.

Also included in this report is the Average Grade across all lessons and Total Stars on Required and Not-Required assignments. 

Note: If you do not have a specific Assignment Set designated for your class then all assignments in the software are considered Required assignments.


Persistence WITH Bonus - Recommended (Available for Courses with Assignment Sets Only)

This report gives a percentage grade for each lesson within Spatial Vis. This percentage is determined by the number of stars earned on Required assignments and bonus stars divided by the maximum number of stars available on Required assignments. This grading style gives students the opportunity to earn back lost stars by doing additional Not-Required assignments. This is recommended for those using an assignment set. The grades are capped at 100%

A Bonus Star is earned by completing a Not-Required assignment in the same lesson without using a hint or peek. 3 stars on a Not-Required assignment = 1 bonus star.

Example: If a student used a peek on a Required assignment they can earn back the two stars they lost by earning a perfect (3) stars on two Not-Required assignments in the same lesson.

Also included in this report is the Average Grade across all lessons and Total Stars on Required and Not-Required assignments.


Stars Earned - All Assignments

This report shows how many stars were earned on each individual assignment. 

  • 3 stars = the students completed the assignment without using a hint or a peek. 

  • 2 stars - the student used a hint, but did not use a peek. 

  • 1 star = the students used a peek.

  • Blank = the student has not completed the assignment.

Also included in this report is Total Stars on all assignments.


Stars Earned - Assignment Set (Available for Courses with Assignment Sets Only)

This report shows how many stars were earned on each Required assignment. 

  • 3 stars = the students completed the assignment without using a hint or a peek. 

  • 2 stars - the student used a hint, but did not use a peek. 

  • 1 star = the students used a peek.

  • Blank = the student has not completed the assignment.

Also included in this report is Total Stars on Required assignments.


Stars Per Lesson - All Assignments

This report shows the total stars earned by the student in each lesson.


Stars Per Lesson - Assignment Set (Available for Courses with Assignment Sets Only)

This report shows the total stars earned on Required assignments by the student in each lesson.


Percent Complete - All Assignments

This report shows the percentage of assignments your students have completed in each lesson. This report shows each student’s progress in the lessons, however, it is not recommended for grading because it does not assess their performance or encourage student persistence. See Persistence Grading with Bonus and Persistence Grading without Bonus for our recommended grading approaches.

Also included in this report is Total Stars on all assignments.


Percent Complete - Assignment Set (Available for Courses with Assignment Sets Only)

This report shows the percentage of assignments your students have completed on the Required assignments in each lesson. This report shows each student’s progress in the lessons, however, it is not recommended for grading because it does not assess their performance or encourage student persistence. See Persistence Grading with Bonus and Persistence Grading without Bonus for our recommended grading approaches.

Also included in this report is Total Stars on Required assignments.