Spatial Vis™ Makes Teaching Freehand Sketching Easy & Engaging
Ideal for CTE, Intro to Engineering, Design, and CAD Courses.
Automatic Grading & Personalized Feedback
Students get immediate feedback on each sketch and unlimited retries. If students get stuck on an assignment they can get a hint or peek at the solution.
Gamification, Persistence, & Engagement
Our star system rewards students for their persistence, a key in developing spatial skills.
Teacher Interface to Track Student Progress
Teachers have access to a Teacher Interface where they can view student enrollments and download student grade reports.
Teaching Resources
Lecture Slides, Video Lectures, Worksheets, & Activities

Teachers and Students love it!
Research & Classroom Studies

Improve Retention, Diversity, and Equity in STEM with Spatial Vis™
Spatial Visualization (SV) is the ability to visualize and manipulate 2D and 3D shapes in one’s mind.
The “Why So Few” article talks about the reasons there are so few women in STEM. One of the largest differences between genders is in the area of spatial skills.
Spatial skills are learnable and others have shown that SV training leads to increased graduation rates and improved GPAs in several introductory STEM courses.
The Spatial Vis app makes it easier to teach and more engaging for students to learn these skills through immediate and personalized feedback.
Sketching 2D & 3D shapes has been shown to increase spatial visualization, but is an under-taught skill and is important for learning and communicating in a wide range of areas.
The Spatial Vis™ app allows students to work independently and even remotely.
Leverage Spatial Vis in your Classroom

“Projected views and Orthogonal projection tend to be points of weakness of new engineering students. We teach Engineering Drawings and Orthogonal projections early in the curriculum, but it really takes practice to grasp this topic. With classes of hundreds of students, it is difficult to provide quick and appropriate feedback to students’ shortfalls. Spatial Vis provides a tool that allows students to complete multiple exercises and receive quick feedback and guidance as they work through the assignments”
Dr. Jeff Raquet
University of North Carolina at Charlotte